Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Coach Mike's Tournament from Hell

I have developed a training methodology that is designed to help my girls stay competitive. I thought I would introduce it to you as by default, I think it could add healthy competition to the show... outside of just the fight in the cage.

Every week we will be holding an "In House" competition with the girls for bragging rights attacking one aspect of cage fighting. There will be 3 separate competitions... One for Kick Boxing, One for Grappling and One for conditioning. At the end of the competition one girl will be crowned the groups "Champion" and given an award she can boast over, until the Tournament happens again 3 weeks later... the Champ has time to brag, and the other girls have time to train and improve.

But the girls can't get too cocky, because that same award can be taken by another fighter a mere 3 weeks later.

Award 1:
The Kick Boxing Mongkal

The Mongkal is a Traditional head piece worn specifically by Muay Thai Kickboxing fighter. Traditionally it is the mark of a fighter, and only fighters are allowed to wear it. Its legends say it seals the ring before a fight and wards off evil spirits. This will be awarded to the woman that wins the monthly kick boxing tournament... a taboo in its own right... as in Thailand, it is considered "Bad Luck" for a woman to wear one.

The kickboxing tournament will be fully padded including head gear for the training safety of the girls. It will operate on a single elimination 10-9 must system for 5 rounds of 3 minutes.

Current Mongkal Holder: Aubree

Award 2:
The Grappler's Belt

Large, ostentatious belts have been synonymous with fighting since nearly its inception. They are extravagantly designed, fun to wear and are often worn around the waist but are sometime slung over the shoulder. A very visual award.

This grueling competition has no time limit. Grapplers will start at their feet and wrestling to the ground until one person "Taps Out"... This can happen by submission or if one opponent decides she is too tired to continue

Current Grapplers Belt Holder: Lauren

Award 3:
The Conditioning Medal

A large gold emblem medal bearing a set of barbells will be given to the woman whom is deemed the most fit through a grueling conditioning workout. As work outs of this nature feature athletic fundamentals, this award is akin to the style of the Olympic Medals.

The competition will be 3 rounds of 5 minutes... and the exercise movements will vary tournament to tournament. An example would be:

5 Snatches
10 Burpees
20 Wall Balls
30 Kettle bell swings

As many rounds as possible for 5 minutes... 3 times. Each Pass is a point, the woman with the most points at the end, is deemed the winner.

Current Condition Medal Holder: Nikki

As of now there has yet to be a girl who has obtained the honor of possessing all the titles at the same time... at the point, we refer to her as a "Triple Crown" Athlete.

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