Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May's Warrior Tenet! Resilience.

Its May Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Parents alike! And It is Time for a New Warrior Tenet! This Month we will have the kids Focus on...


This can be summed up with one phrase by Alain de Botton, Philosopher, Entrepreneur and author of several best sellers and one of only 450 fellows in the Royal Society of Literature. He describes Resilience as "never giving up, even when things become dark."

We all have moments in our lives were we have to remain resilient. Big and Small. Why, even your humble instructors have to practice resilience in the wake of Hard Times. Whether is be a time during the season where the school is in financial trouble from students going on vacation. Or with something small like when a child isn't grasping the concepts as quickly or as easily as we like. But alas a warriors resilience is Halt less. We KNOW our students are Resilient enough to Honor their commitment to themselves and us by continuing to attend class and pay their dues, Just as we will never leave a child or person behind in class, merely because it takes a bit more resilience to teach and guide them correctly.

A warrior and a student at O'Laskey Martial Arts knows that Resilience is a two way street.

Our Process

So at O'Laskey Martial Arts, We have the following on the docket to maximize our students understanding of the warrior tenet of Resilience. 

In the first week of May, at the End of every class, Sensei will go over what resilience means for the kids and how important it is to a warrior. Children will be reminded to strive to practice resilience through out the month. Focusing on it during things like Homework or House chores.

Your Job

This month's word can really help whip your child into shape as far as doing whats right regardless of whether or not they like it! But it is important this week to NOT be overtly pushy about its concept, next week you will find out why.

For this week I want you to focus on gentle reminders. If your child is being problematic about Home work, Or Chores Etc. Guide the child as you normally would, But add in the following "Remember the Warrior Tenet in Martial Arts Class? A Warrior sticks to what needs to be done, even if its hard, or they just plain don't want to do it." And leave it at that.

Avoid using phrases similar to "Sensei Michael would be disappointed!" or "You are not acting like a Warrior." Because first of all, that not the truth! Your child can never disappoint us, and making your child "feel bad" in this case IS NOT going to produce the long term results you want. Instead, all you have to do is stick to your guns. Insist your child has responsibilities that cannot be ignored, and they must be fulfilled regardless of whether or not your child "wants" to do them.

When/If your child laments responsibly and fulfills the task at hand follow it up with "There, That wasn't so hard was it?" in a nice loving tone, and add in how proud you are of them. Chances are they are not going to respond quite as nicely as the kids would in an episode of "Full House", But thats not real life. You have done your job as a parent.

Make sure that you remember your child's act of resilience. ESPECIALLY if it was a hard decision for them to make or a bit of an argument. It will play into next weeks lesson plan.

As always if you have any questions please make sure you come to us! Its what we're here for!

Respectfully in the Arts,

Mike O'Laskey

O'Laskey Martial Arts is Located at
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, Ca, 91506

Phn 818-480-7810

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