Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Career Day Lecture

Hello class! Thank you for inviting me.

My name is Big Bang Mike O'Laskey and I... am a Cage Fighter.

Now you might be saying to yourself. "Cage Fighter? What is a Cage Fighter doing on career day?... What does Fighting have to do with school?"

But fighting... like most things in life... Is about Science!

You see... A Fighter to YOU, maybe be just a Dude who punches another dude in the face... But to me? A fighter is a scientist. Sure, our lab coats are way cooler and our laboratory is a steel cage... But we're scientists none the less. You see a fighter, uses the scientific method... through testing and analysis to find out what works in the cage... and what doesn't work.

You see A fighter, uses something called Kinetic Energy. This is something you may of learned in class, Its the Power my fist has... Due its motion. So in order to increase my Power... a fighter needs to understand how he can do one of two things... I need to increase my Mass, or the Size or Weight of my attack.... Or, increase my velocity... Or the speed at which my attack is thrown.

Who here likes Math? Well if your hand isn't raised then  you best not consider a career in fighting because even the ancient art of Butt Woop... Uses Math.

See the Power of my punch is Kinetic Energy and it is shown as:


So if I want to increase Power, I have to increase my Kinetic Energy... And I already told you guys how to do that... Increase my Mass or my Velocity.


So at the end of the day? My Whether or not I win or lose a fight... can be entirely dependent on:

KE= 1/2mv squared.

Hmmm... That looks a lot like a math equation doesn't it?

But it doesn't end there... A fighter must understand anatomy or the study of the human body. A fighter trains intensely for 3 to  4 hours a day. That means he needs to understand how carbohydrates fuel the body with the energy to maintain that work. He needs to understand how Protein synthisis rebuilds and strengthens his muscle... and how his body can lose 10 to 15 pounds of water in just one day... safely... for the day of weigh ins....    

See class... my point is... at the end of the day... Whether you want to be a Lawyer, Doctor, Fireman orr Cage Fighter... It all starts with what you learn here... in this class room. So stay in school and pay attention, because no matter what you decide to do with your life... you're going to need this.

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Muay Thai Itinerary... Day 3 (Oct 9th)

Okay folks, we had our fun with there upper body... but lets face it. If you wanted to study a fighting style sans the kicks you would have gone with dirty boxing a la Brad Pitts character in "Snatch". This week, We're getting your Kicks and Knees Down.

Muay Thai is a fairly simple art form as far a movements go. Most of the arts complication comes from attack and defense strategy in more advance levels... The kick, is the most important and most complicated of these movements... We will break down the physiology of the kick in to four step so you understand it in detail.

You will learn how the knee draws power from the ground to inflict the same damage as a 40 mpg car collision.

Your class this night will be lead by active MMA fighter and long time teacher, Sensei Mike "Joey" O'Laskey.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Muay Thai Kickboxing Itinerary Day 2! (Tuesday Oct.7th)

First off, Lets take a moment to congratulate friend of the school and Head Chef of Cena at the Chateau Chris Wellmon for his excellent first round victory in the cage... His opponent was nearly half his age!


But you don't have to walk through the threshold of the cage to be a Martial Artist, or to even want to study kickboxing! Muay Thai trains the Body and Keeps the mind sharp, And your second class in your free month will show you just that!

Building on the basic principles we learned last week we are going to build some punch and elbow combos... Working on technique and timing as well as lightening fast speed. Make sure you bring some water to this class. Because after a quick warm up review of the punches from last week... You will be right on the pads!

These combos will range in numbers from 3 counts all the way up to 8 counts. What you will find within these combos is not only a good work out, but because the distance varies between movements, you will be working on your body movement a bit more. We call this "Closing the Distance" and its a concept you will become very familiar with by the end of this session.

The great thing about Muay Thai... Is every hour you do it, You are burning nearly 800 calories... That is more than an hour on the treadmill... and you learn the very skills that have helped me and other fighters around the world... win in MMA cages!

Your homework this week, will be to Shadow Box the combos that we did in class... If it is difficult to remember... Ask on our Facebook wall! We'd Be happy to remind you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Your Kick Boxing Itinerary. Day 1. (Thursday Oct. 2nd)

Muay Thai Kick Boxing is a 3000 year old Martial Art and the National Sport of Thailand. It is often referred to as "The Science of 8 Limbs" because contrary to western boxing, in Muay Thai you not only employ your fists... But your elbows, feet and knees as well.

 Your first class will focus on getting you used to the upper half of that list. You will learn the terminology and proper application of the Jab, Cross, Hook, Lead Elbow and Rear Elbow. We will "Shadow" each movement in the air. Then apply those same basic movements on focus mitts or "Pads". Once we are certain you are comfortable with the movements... We will build a Butt Kicking 6 count combo!

Your class will be Lead by Michael O'Laskey the Sr... A former Army Green Beret with over 30 years experience in the Martial Arts! His high energy and constant pace should have you working up a sweat just enough to be proud of the work you've put in... But not too much to where you cannot learn this new skill set...

HOMEWORK: Do you wanna get the most out of this Free Month? Well if you do some home review then by the next class you'll be Buzz sawing through combo sets in a way that will make the other class members jealous! Your homework will be to stand in front of the mirror and "Shadow Box" just as you did at the beginning of class... Do this once a day until your second class comes along on Tuesday Oct 7th... You'll need it! See Below.

In front of the mirror lightly:

Jab 20x
Cross 20x
Hook 20x
Lead Elbow 20x
Rear Elbow 20x
And the 6 count combo 20x

Class is at 7:30!

Our Address is:
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, Ca. 91506
(West of Victory / Between Mariposa & Griffith Park Dr.)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Itinerary of Activties for Sensei Joey's Fight Weekend

I am writing this blog to give you guys an itinerary of events that is happening the weekend of Sept 5th... So you guys know what is in store and perhaps plan accordingly.


Friday Sept 5th 6pm.

Doors open at SteelFists "Rise Up"... 17 bouts of the Future Stars of MMA in action. Yours Truly is the Co-Main Event. Thus I will likely be going up 2nd to Last. Enjoy your libations and the company of the others at your own reserved table Cage Side to the Action. You will have your own server and there IS food served at the event... Though I wouldn't expect anything more than the likes of Hot Wings and Fried stuff with Cheese. Don't forget to cheer loudly, take pics and videos... And scream the war cry of the Lost Boys "Bangarang" at the top of your lungs at any given moment.

After the event I will come out (Belt in tow) and we will have fun taking pics... After the Venue closes down I hope to convince the owners to let us take pics inside the cage... This is, of course, if they are gracious enough to allow us ruffians in there :-)
Approx. 10pm 10:30pm ish to nights end

Don't get too Boozed up at the event. Because afterward we are heading towards BAR X. Currently owned by Salt Lake Native Ty Burrell (Of Modern Family Fame). Bar X first opened their doors in 1933 the same year Utah repealed prohibition. With a Classic Speakeasy feel, Bar X in my opinion serves the BEST cocktails in SLC, allowing the alcohol to take center stage... Rather than sugary un-natural additives....



Saturday Sept 6th 11:00 am Park City

Our first stop is High West Distillery... The first legal distillery in Mormon centered Utah since 1870. We will take a compelling tour of the distillery (and co-incidentally my favorite whisky brand) where they will go over the history of alcohol in Utah. This will end with a Tasting of what has come to be called "Valley Tan" by Utahns... As Mark Twain put it:
 “the exclusive Mormon refresher; valley tan is a kind of whisky, or first cousin to it; is of Mormon invention and manufactured only in Utah. Tradition says it is made of [imported] fire and brimstone. If I remember rightly, no public drinking saloons were allowed in the kingdom by Brigham Young, and no private drinking permitted among the faithful, except they confined themselves to Valley Tan.”(from “Roughing It”, Mark Twain, 1871)
Concluding the tour we will have lunch... High West serves amazing cocktails Paired with outstanding food. It stands as one of my favorite Restaurants in Utah as well! (Insider tip, Though I am a man who loves his Whisky... Their Peach Vodka is killer... I wont mock you for sipping on it... as you will probably see me doing the same while attempting to pass it off as a lady friend's)

From 1ish til dinner... Explore!

Here you have choices. You can go and explore Park City by your lonesome if you like. Park City is rich with history everywhere. Unlike SLC... PC was settled by silver miners... Not Mormons. So its past I consider to be far more entertaining! I suggest the Park City Museum to get acquainted... The following picture is current to the Historic Main Street... Fun shops and places to explore!

Should you decide to stick with me and my Merry Band of Lost Boys. You will discover more watering holes such as "No name Saloon"... a still standing Miner's bar that is a relic of the silver towns history.

And Wasatch Brew pub... A local microbrewery that doubles as a social critique to Mormon control of the state... With beer labels like "Evolution Ale", "Polygamy Porter", "Fist Amendment Ale"... Wonder why I like them so much!
7pm Cena Restorante and Lounge at The Chatuex with Chef Chris Wellmon
Fellow Hidden Valley Team Mate Chef Chris Wellmon was gracious enough to set us up with a unique dining experience at this exclusive Park City resort. Cena has an Italian-inspired menu and warm hospitality, this award-winning eatery strikes a scrumptious balance of comfort food and culinary sophistication. We will dine as exclusive guests of the Chef where he will make everything from scratch and with love. A tad upscale but not overbearing... just don't show up in shorts in a tank top. Average Price Per Person tends to be in the $30-$40 range.

After Dinner til ... wel... Whenever
We can do what ever you like at this point... Go to another bar, go back to our rooms. If you want to hang out some more depending how we are feeling we can hit up Rock n' Reilly's... And Irish style contemporary lounge that has written its own tall tales... Upon hearing of the Mormons decree against booze in Utah...
"[Reilly] ...stowed away on a whiskey boat bound for the dry state. Reilly was now in a strange land, armed with nothing but a family recipe for Irish whiskey and a smuggler’s wit. He quickly organized a gang of misfits known as the Black Eye Society and took over the routes of the region’s milkmen. This enabled him to deliver whiskey in a cleverly disguised milk bottles right to people’s front doors."
In honor of this legend we can indulge in a shot of that very whiskey... aptly named "Mother's Milk". So when questioned, The Black Eye Society was Technically not Lying to the Police.

And we can settle in the "The Downstairs Lounge" A contemporary and sophisticated Ultra Lounge with a Dance floor and DJ spinning the latest hits.

So guys! That's it... I hope that you guys have just as much fun as I am going to have being there with you. And remember... If any of this seems boring, you're always MORE than welcome to opt out of any activity... I wont take any offense. This is just the stuff I know best. It'll be all the more fun with me wearing the belt all weekend! Thank you all sooooo much for your support!

Monday, March 10, 2014

How Alex Pereira KO'd Dustin Jacoby in Glory 14 - With Video Tutorial

Often times Martial Arts schools lean too far to one Direction or the Other. Either they throw you into the deep end before teaching you how to swim... By not teaching you ANYTHING about the basics... Or all they do is overload you with move after move after move... Never giving you the time to apply said basics and fully understand them in the first place.

Yet time and time again we see in nearly every MMA and Kickboxing match... its the proper application of the basics... that win fights... I like to think of it as the Science of fighting.

I am referring specifically today to the Alex Pereira/ Dustin Jacoby fight in Zagreb Croatia. With a smart rear knee to a lead hook, Pereira put Jacoby to the floor in what commentator Duke Rufus called "Kick Boxing 101."

Sometimes, Basics can get kind of boring. But Basics win fights, so to become truly talented you have to embrace the mundane of the easy and make them your own. Sometimes it is difficult to ignore the itch of the evolutionary desire to get in the ring and senselessly throw fists. But if that's the case, you have to ask yourself a question...

Do I want to FIGHT? Or do I want to BE a FIGHTER?

Be wary of gyms that throw you into sparring with out teaching you these basics... they're just taking your money. If you wanted to spar with a group of idiots you could have found a back yard full of beer drinking brawlers to swing at for free.

Here is a video Tutorial of how to Apply the knee to hook concept for yourself. And here is a link to our YouTube page for more Awesome Video.

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

300: Rise of an Empire - Some Sword and Shield Action

300: Rise of an Empire is set to hit theaters this weekend. So we here at O'Laskey Martial Arts thought it might be fun to do a Tutorial video on some Sword and Shield drills to help you guys get into the spirit.

Often times people will view the shield a merely a defensive weapon... But the shield has offensive uses as well as active defensive movements that accompany the sword quite well as you will see in the video below.

Try these drill before you go out and see the movie! If you don't have fake swords, you can use Kali sticks... Even your kids Light Sabers (Yes, we know you've got them) Notice how tiring the drills can be...

Perhaps now you realize why everyone in Sparta seems to have perfect bodies.

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

Sunday, March 2, 2014

12 ways to Know You're An MMA Fighter

"Cutting" doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does everyone else.

Regular Headphones don't fit into your ears.

People ask you to choke them out.

Or challenge you to wrestling matches in random social settings... and they get choked out.

You're suspicious of any blemish on your body.

Gym Rats mock Crossfitters and Crossfitters mock Gym rats... The important thing is you've found a way to feel superior to both...

Until someone mocks you in public for wearing "TapouT"... And you can't defend yourself, Because telling them you are actually a fighter feels MORE douchey... 

Doing cage work in class means every one at the next pool party is going to think you have a disease.

You've had to rationalize to both male and female friends how rolling shirtless with other dudes isn't gay...

Yet wearing tiny shorts and extra tight shirts is perfectly acceptable...

Going to the gym for you is not the same as for every other guy.

And the last way to know you're an MMA Fighter is because you've put it all on the line... and step into one of these...

Seems obvious... But there are people who train all their lives and will never see the inside of a cage. You are one of the brave few that doesn't ONLY train... but also fights... You applied your training... and you deserve the moniker of "Fighter"...

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

UFC 170 Pyle Vs Waldbuger with Tutorial

Saturday was UFC 170. It's Main Card boasted Rousey and Mcmann, a fight that ended a tad unsatified. My favorite fight however was Pyle Vs Waldburger.

I went to the bar with a few students to catch the fight... And the tipping point for this particular bout when unnoticed by most. Even the commentators let it go by the wayside... Probably because, if I am remembering correctly... It actually landed on the back of the neck... Making it TECHNICALLY illegal. But because of the nature of the move, it was unavoidable.

Pyle used a spin elbow from a captured leg. It was THIS spin elbow that allowed him to capitalize and rain down punches from above that eventually led to a referee stoppage.

Here is a video I've created on how you can accomplish a similar thing to what Pyle did in that fight. Like it, Share it, Enjoy it!

And come to Muay Thai Class or MMA class at O'Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank! We have no Contracts and the Fairest Price in town! Yet enrollment is limited, Come on down now before we're filled to capacity!

O'Laskey Martial Arts
1312 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank 91506

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sparring with the Superman Punch With Vid Link

The Superman punch it a move that is rather well known at this point. Anyone that has watched more than one UFC fight knows of its existence... and has probably even it a whirl once or twice. But the key to the superman punch oddly has little to do with having the coordination to accomplish the move, nay, I will say that the superman punch exists in the set up... rather than the move itself.

In the Video below we cover what it takes to set up the superman punch properly. As you will see, the idea is to use your kicks, consistently throughout the match, to cause your opponent to expect the kick in general. Once the "Ambiance" of the kick is created, you can then throw the superman punch. This causes the opponent to lower his guard in expectation of the kick, allowing the effectiveness of the punch to be at its highest.

Follow the link below and tell us what you think!

O'Laskey Martial Arts
1312 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank Ca 91506

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sparring with Destruction Techniques (With Video)

Destruction Techniques

Let’s talk Destructions. Destruction techniques have been recently on the minds of those in the fight community. Mainly due the the UFC fight Weidman vs Silva, where Silva broke his own leg throwing a kick. But usually destruction techniques aren’t that drastic, or that spectacular.
The word “Destruction” is really just a synonym for “Offensive Defense” . The idea, is to block a kick in such a way… that it make your opponent disinclined to throw another one. So let’s shadow box these motions so that we can properly apply them on the pads.

Shadow Box

The first move we will focus on is a foot stomp. Much like a muay thai teep, you raise the leg up in a semi straighten fashion. Stopping your opponents oncoming rear leg kick, preferably on the knee joint, but anywhere in that general area will suffice. After that your going to drop that leg into the cross followed by the hook and then the cross again. Ending with a mid-level, double rear leg kick yourself.
For your second combo, we are going to do a cross over leg sheild with that rear leg. Intercepting your opponents rear leg kick. This defense has a verisimilitude to what we saw in the Silva Weidman fight. But we’re going to add a separate element which is using the same defending leg, to foot stomp or side kick the inner knee area of your opponents front leg. This movement will generally cause you to finish in my case a south paw lead, opposite of that which you started with. Now you will end this combo with a mid level kick with the opposite leg, stepping though to the stance you’re accustomed to, summing it up with a cross, rear elbow, rear knee.
Pause this video, and practice this a few times before moving on to the pad work section.

Pad Work

So let’s apply this now to the pads, you can use focus mitts like we are using here. Or Thai Pads if you want to put more sting into your mid-level kicks. Either way I will suggest shin guards for both feeder and puncher. In order to keep you from limping for accidental shin collisions.

Praxis Work

Now lets work practical application in sparring. these move here can be pretty detrimental. I dont suggest using them in sparring unless you guys are going easy enough as to not harm each other.
Apply counter move like this in sparring is hard, because they are a reaction to your
opponents attack. So you have one of two choices… Wait until he kicks, or get good at what we call “Baiting”. Baiting, just as it sounds is putting yourself in the position that which your opponent want to kick you. Which of course in turn is exactly what you wanted to begin with. So first thing you need to do, is frustrate your opponent by staying in his kick range. If he feel he can punch you, we won't risk a kick. But if you maintain a distance where kicking is his only option, he has no choice. Also, get into a front heavy stance. One that looks like that front leg of yours is difficult to get up and move out of the way of his kick. These two activities in conjunction, will give you the best chance in baiting him into a kick. Once the bait is set, it’s time to catch a fish.

Mike O'Laskey
O'Laskey Martial Arts
Burbank Ca. 91506

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Work your Spin Backfist into Shadow Boxing and Sparring (With Video)

Spin Back Fist

Mike O’Laskey here at O’Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank California for this installment of your Kickboxing combo of the week!

In this weeks installment we are going to explore a good application of the spinning back fist.

Now the Spin back fist is a coveted move when it comes to Martial Arts and Fighting. Not only because its effective… But lets face it… it pretty frickin cool.

The thing with a spin Back Fist… it that any halfway co-ordinated 5 year old in a tu-tu can spin around and extend their arm. The key here is effectiveness, through execution. So let get started!


The best application I have found to successfully landing the Spin Back Fist in any Martial Arts, Kickboxing or MMA match starts with footwork. Usually, with your Jab, you want to step into it… Putting your whole body into the punch. So keeping that mentality in mind… Instead of stepping straight forward. I want you step at a 45 degree angle towards your open side. This would be your right if you have a standard stance… or your left if you’re a southpaw. This action now cuts your rotation from 360 degrees. To ideally more or less 180 degrees. This is going to allow your spin action to happen faster… With less movement to telegraph.

So the first Combo we will Drill… Is a double Jab, to the spin Back Fist. Move Forward on the First Jab with that lead leg and on the second jab, instead of moving forward, take that 45 degree step with the front leg we were talking about earlier. and that is where that spin backfist is applied.

Doing it this way, Disguises the arrival of the spin back fist in the best way I have personally found. So lets drill it on the pads a few times.

Now this lead jab step can be used in any combo that which the jab can be safely applied. So lets give you one more combo… a Tad bit longer. Jab, cross, Hook, Cross, Hook. This time, as the hook comes… you’re going to take that ever so important 45 degree step to set up the Spin Back fist.


Now that you have the movement down… lets talk about how you can actually accomplish this is sparring. I find that this often works the best when you have limited your opponent retreat. If he has his back against the cage or against the ring. Often times if there isn’t something limiting his retreat… he can run back faster than your spin moves you forward or at least move back enough to do a slight sway back with his head, causing you to miss entirely.

So imagine his back is up against the wall, Unable to move backwards his only options as far a movement goes will be left or right to escape. Now, any halfway competent coach or martial artist is in most cases going to tell you that you are going to want to escape by moving AWAY from the power hand. So as your opponent moves in this case, my left his right to escape what he thinks will be my cross… He walks unexpectedly into my spin back fist. So I will double jab in, baiting his evasion. As he moves is where my spin takes place. Its fast, its unexpected… and most importantly it works.


Thanks you for watching my spin back fist tutorial. Subscribe for new combos every week. Try this out in sparring, and post the videos in video response section. And let me know what you think! Like this video, and tell me how YOU implement the Spin Back Fist or what you would do differently. I’m always looking good information. Until next week. I’m Mike O’Laskey with O’Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank California. See you next time.

O'Laskey Martial Arts
1312 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank Ca