Thursday, January 23, 2014

Work your Spin Backfist into Shadow Boxing and Sparring (With Video)

Spin Back Fist

Mike O’Laskey here at O’Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank California for this installment of your Kickboxing combo of the week!

In this weeks installment we are going to explore a good application of the spinning back fist.

Now the Spin back fist is a coveted move when it comes to Martial Arts and Fighting. Not only because its effective… But lets face it… it pretty frickin cool.

The thing with a spin Back Fist… it that any halfway co-ordinated 5 year old in a tu-tu can spin around and extend their arm. The key here is effectiveness, through execution. So let get started!


The best application I have found to successfully landing the Spin Back Fist in any Martial Arts, Kickboxing or MMA match starts with footwork. Usually, with your Jab, you want to step into it… Putting your whole body into the punch. So keeping that mentality in mind… Instead of stepping straight forward. I want you step at a 45 degree angle towards your open side. This would be your right if you have a standard stance… or your left if you’re a southpaw. This action now cuts your rotation from 360 degrees. To ideally more or less 180 degrees. This is going to allow your spin action to happen faster… With less movement to telegraph.

So the first Combo we will Drill… Is a double Jab, to the spin Back Fist. Move Forward on the First Jab with that lead leg and on the second jab, instead of moving forward, take that 45 degree step with the front leg we were talking about earlier. and that is where that spin backfist is applied.

Doing it this way, Disguises the arrival of the spin back fist in the best way I have personally found. So lets drill it on the pads a few times.

Now this lead jab step can be used in any combo that which the jab can be safely applied. So lets give you one more combo… a Tad bit longer. Jab, cross, Hook, Cross, Hook. This time, as the hook comes… you’re going to take that ever so important 45 degree step to set up the Spin Back fist.


Now that you have the movement down… lets talk about how you can actually accomplish this is sparring. I find that this often works the best when you have limited your opponent retreat. If he has his back against the cage or against the ring. Often times if there isn’t something limiting his retreat… he can run back faster than your spin moves you forward or at least move back enough to do a slight sway back with his head, causing you to miss entirely.

So imagine his back is up against the wall, Unable to move backwards his only options as far a movement goes will be left or right to escape. Now, any halfway competent coach or martial artist is in most cases going to tell you that you are going to want to escape by moving AWAY from the power hand. So as your opponent moves in this case, my left his right to escape what he thinks will be my cross… He walks unexpectedly into my spin back fist. So I will double jab in, baiting his evasion. As he moves is where my spin takes place. Its fast, its unexpected… and most importantly it works.


Thanks you for watching my spin back fist tutorial. Subscribe for new combos every week. Try this out in sparring, and post the videos in video response section. And let me know what you think! Like this video, and tell me how YOU implement the Spin Back Fist or what you would do differently. I’m always looking good information. Until next week. I’m Mike O’Laskey with O’Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank California. See you next time.

O'Laskey Martial Arts
1312 W Magnolia Blvd
Burbank Ca

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