Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Career Day Lecture

Hello class! Thank you for inviting me.

My name is Big Bang Mike O'Laskey and I... am a Cage Fighter.

Now you might be saying to yourself. "Cage Fighter? What is a Cage Fighter doing on career day?... What does Fighting have to do with school?"

But fighting... like most things in life... Is about Science!

You see... A Fighter to YOU, maybe be just a Dude who punches another dude in the face... But to me? A fighter is a scientist. Sure, our lab coats are way cooler and our laboratory is a steel cage... But we're scientists none the less. You see a fighter, uses the scientific method... through testing and analysis to find out what works in the cage... and what doesn't work.

You see A fighter, uses something called Kinetic Energy. This is something you may of learned in class, Its the Power my fist has... Due its motion. So in order to increase my Power... a fighter needs to understand how he can do one of two things... I need to increase my Mass, or the Size or Weight of my attack.... Or, increase my velocity... Or the speed at which my attack is thrown.

Who here likes Math? Well if your hand isn't raised then  you best not consider a career in fighting because even the ancient art of Butt Woop... Uses Math.

See the Power of my punch is Kinetic Energy and it is shown as:


So if I want to increase Power, I have to increase my Kinetic Energy... And I already told you guys how to do that... Increase my Mass or my Velocity.


So at the end of the day? My Whether or not I win or lose a fight... can be entirely dependent on:

KE= 1/2mv squared.

Hmmm... That looks a lot like a math equation doesn't it?

But it doesn't end there... A fighter must understand anatomy or the study of the human body. A fighter trains intensely for 3 to  4 hours a day. That means he needs to understand how carbohydrates fuel the body with the energy to maintain that work. He needs to understand how Protein synthisis rebuilds and strengthens his muscle... and how his body can lose 10 to 15 pounds of water in just one day... safely... for the day of weigh ins....    

See class... my point is... at the end of the day... Whether you want to be a Lawyer, Doctor, Fireman orr Cage Fighter... It all starts with what you learn here... in this class room. So stay in school and pay attention, because no matter what you decide to do with your life... you're going to need this.

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

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