Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Muay Thai Itinerary... Day 3 (Oct 9th)

Okay folks, we had our fun with there upper body... but lets face it. If you wanted to study a fighting style sans the kicks you would have gone with dirty boxing a la Brad Pitts character in "Snatch". This week, We're getting your Kicks and Knees Down.

Muay Thai is a fairly simple art form as far a movements go. Most of the arts complication comes from attack and defense strategy in more advance levels... The kick, is the most important and most complicated of these movements... We will break down the physiology of the kick in to four step so you understand it in detail.

You will learn how the knee draws power from the ground to inflict the same damage as a 40 mpg car collision.

Your class this night will be lead by active MMA fighter and long time teacher, Sensei Mike "Joey" O'Laskey.

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