Monday, March 10, 2014

How Alex Pereira KO'd Dustin Jacoby in Glory 14 - With Video Tutorial

Often times Martial Arts schools lean too far to one Direction or the Other. Either they throw you into the deep end before teaching you how to swim... By not teaching you ANYTHING about the basics... Or all they do is overload you with move after move after move... Never giving you the time to apply said basics and fully understand them in the first place.

Yet time and time again we see in nearly every MMA and Kickboxing match... its the proper application of the basics... that win fights... I like to think of it as the Science of fighting.

I am referring specifically today to the Alex Pereira/ Dustin Jacoby fight in Zagreb Croatia. With a smart rear knee to a lead hook, Pereira put Jacoby to the floor in what commentator Duke Rufus called "Kick Boxing 101."

Sometimes, Basics can get kind of boring. But Basics win fights, so to become truly talented you have to embrace the mundane of the easy and make them your own. Sometimes it is difficult to ignore the itch of the evolutionary desire to get in the ring and senselessly throw fists. But if that's the case, you have to ask yourself a question...

Do I want to FIGHT? Or do I want to BE a FIGHTER?

Be wary of gyms that throw you into sparring with out teaching you these basics... they're just taking your money. If you wanted to spar with a group of idiots you could have found a back yard full of beer drinking brawlers to swing at for free.

Here is a video Tutorial of how to Apply the knee to hook concept for yourself. And here is a link to our YouTube page for more Awesome Video.

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

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