Friday, October 2, 2015

Science shows Video Games are Worse Than Cigarettes for Your Child's Health.

Video Games are a Billion Dollar a year industry. And kids love them! Often games are vilified in the media for promoting bad behavior or violent tendencies... which is NOT the case. There have been no credible studies to show that violence in games parlay themselves into real life.

However, The Danger of video games does not come in its content... But in its sedentary lifestyle. In a study published in "Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise" (Found >>HERE<< for your reference.) Researchers showed that:

"Levels of sitting were closely associated 
with an higher risk of death. 
Those sitting the most having an 
INCREASED risk of death"

So the long periods of sitting while playing Video Games... Is the most unhealthy thing for your child.

A study published in the British Journal of Medicine (Found >>HERE<< for your reference) did the math. They found that on average people who spend long bouts of time in front of the TV lose about 5-6 years of their lives... or to put it bluntly:

"For every Hour you Spend 
Playing Video Games
you are giving up about 
22 minutes of your life"

22 minutes! Let's put this into perspective for you parents, it has been calculated that each CIGARETTE you smoke reduces your life by 11 minutes!

The reason for this is not quite understood yet, but obvious factors are involved like Sedentary Lifestyles leading to Obesity Related Illnesses. Some Scientists think that Sitting for long periods prevents the body from producing enzymes that help clean out certain fats. But either way, the facts remain:

"For Every 10 hours of Gameplay, 
Your Child is Smoking 1 Pack of Cigarettes"

But the good news is that we can fix this! In the American Journal of Clinical Nutritional (Found >>HERE<< for your reference) They found that by interrupting gameplay every 30-40 minutes with with a 1 minute bout of physical activity reduces this risk exponentially.

At The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts, We recommend that when parents allow their kids long gameplay bouts... About every half an hour the game needs to be paused for one minute of Martial Arts practice. Whether it shadow boxing, Pad work, Wrestling or weapons drills.

The study indicates that it doesn't matter what the activity, as long as they are moving! The child gets what they want, Which is long bouts of Video Games... And we get what we want, Which is a long lasting healthy life for your child. This also teaches your Child Accountability and Responsibility while gaming, Concepts they can take on into a healthy adulthood.

If you are worried about your Child's Sedentary life style, The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts is running a special Trial Offer to see if the Martial Arts is right for your Child... It even comes with a FREE uniform. Click the Link >>HERE<<

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of O'Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


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