Monday, August 31, 2015

Wing Chun Doesn't Suck, YOU Suck. 5 ways you're ALREADY using Chi Sao in the Cage.

Wing Chun in the Cage

The above photo is of myself performing Defensive Motion #11 in the Ung Moon Series amidst an MMA cage fight. Go Lon Sao Da (Commonly referred to as a High Block in most styles) has proved itself for me in the cage, yet even with evidence such as this, people constantly poo poo the practical applications of Wing Chun. I submit that just because something doesn't work for YOU... Doesn't mean it doesn't work in General. As my Mentor Ron Balicki has been known to say:

"Don't judge the Art
Based on your Lame Ass."

Furthermore, I suggest that not only is Wing Chun effective... You're already doing it Every day in training. The following are 5 of my favorite examples.

1. Ground And Pound.

Taking mount is only half the game in MMA... You still need to do something with it. Punching someone in the face from mount when they don't want to be punched means there is a lot of hands in your way. This is where 1st and 2nd stage trapping in Chi Sao comes in Super Handy (Pun totally intended). If you look close at the below pic... You can see me using Pac Sao to clear the hand of my opponent. I'm looking to "Break that Dam" and let the "Water" that is my raised right hand deliver a blow.

Champion and Wing Chun Instructor at O'Laskey Martial Arts

2. Wrestling for Hand postion.

Commonly referred to as Hand Fighting in Wrestling, It's basically an aggressive form of Chi Sao (Which in my opinion everyone should be building towards.) In the video below, Watch Virginia State, All-American and National Wrestling Champion Jon Siroedas teach you basically how to use a Wing Chun "Toi Sao" to clear a thumb block.

I can already hear the haters screaming "But Mike, He 'Clearing' the hand!" to which I reply, Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? The names of things don't effect what they really are. I use the Toi Sao move to "clear" hands all the time. I say, "Toi Sao" is what I call the move... "Clearing" is the effect of said move.

3. Entering Techniques.

Otherwise referred to as "Bridging the Gap" or "Closing the Distance", These concepts are a staple in Wing Chun. And a good thing too, because most of the Art involves fighting in close proximity. Practitioners had to become masters of getting into the range in the the first place safely, and with out taking damage. The photo progression below shows myself using the Biu Gee/O'o Tek combo in an attempt to do just that.

San Fernando Valley's best Martial Arts School

4. Grabbing the Russian Tie.

In the Video below watch how JKD master and Retired Pro MMA Fighter Ron Balicki uses the Lop Sao to sneak in an upper cut, then pulls on the bicep to unbalance his opponent. Now watch him morph this concept to a standard wrestling "Two on One"... Chi Sao employs nearly every entrance you learned in wrestling. The Art just prefers to stop there an punch instead. Why? Because Yiu Kai, professed creator of Wing Chun, was a woman... And I would guess not fond of the idea of going to the ground with her (probably) male assailants.

5. Cage Work.

I mentioned proximity in #3 and it rears its head again in the last installment. You know all that "Dirty Boxing" that we never saw in the mainstream until the UFC? Well think of Wing Chun as the Dirty Boxing hipsters, because they were doing it BEFORE it was cool. Wing Chun expertly understood how to generate power when in close. The Legendary Bruce Lee used these concepts and became famous for the power he was able to pull out of his "One Inch Punch."

Teen MMA instructor Mike O'Laskey is MMA Champion

In Conclusion,

I used a vast array of styles in MMA fights... And Wing Chun is one of them. The POINT of Mixing Martial Arts is to explore and take pieces of what works and apply them to your game. Saying "Wing Chun isn't practical" is like saying the Karate Front Kick isn't practical... And you all know how THAT debate ended.
Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of O'Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


Utah MMA Champ Starts Anti-Bullying Program in Burbank CA

Mike O'Laskey Actor Fighter MMA Champion

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is SteelFist MMA's Welterweight Champion and he is starting a Program in his hometown of Burbank California that aims to use the sport as a tool to end intolerance and bullying in the San Fernando Valley.

"The Sport of MMA was one of the best things to happen to the Martial Arts..." The Champion Explains "... It ended the Palor tricks and gimmicks that a lot of people fell into. The problem I think is now we've over corrected, and forgotten the 'art' side of Mixed Martial Arts. I'm not concerned with creating fighters as much as I am concerned with reintroducing people to how the Martial Arts can change their lives for the better. For me? That led to cage fighting, for most others, that's not the case."

Olaskey Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing MMA

Mike recounts a time where pupils were not only trained in combat, but were given the tools in controling that power. "The Samurai for instance were not only trained in war time sword play... But were expected to live by a certain rule set known as the 'Bushido Code'. This code was effective in reigning in the power of the samurai warrior, Making sure that he was only using his might for right."

Okay, But how does teaching teenagers how to fight aid in ending bullying? The Champ Explains "The act of bullying is not likely one that can be 'ended' in the way most people want it to. Bullying is unforunatly a social construct that we evolved in order to keep people in line. We see the the behavior in all animals that live in groups. But like with most of the unsavory aspects of our subconcious the aim is to redirect the behavior into a positive outlet."

Olaskeyma Teens learn self respect from MMA Champion

O'Laskey explains that this outlet can be anything social from Bowling Leagues to Book Clubs. The main theme seems to be finding the right outlet and the right mentor. "When kids feel included and accepted in a group dynamic, they are going to be less worried about what is happening in school... Whether they're inclined to be the bully or the bullied. This is where I think Martial Arts schools are the best equiped to deal with the matter. The gym provides a refuge of like minded people who are interested in the same thing your child is... while at the same time providing a physical outlet for frusterations gathered from elsewhere."

...Bullying is at its most harmful when a child feels like there is no escape, The goal of my MMA program is to provide them with a place where they can train and feel accepted while learning how to set reasonable goals and achieve them in a healthy, repectful way."

Students in Burbank California Learn Martial Arts

The current culture of Martial Arts seems to be one of an "In your Face" attitude. Perhaps Mike O'Laskey is part of a dying breed of old school Martial Artists, We certainly hope not.

Mike O'Laskey's Gym is Located at 1312 W. Magnolia Blvd in Burbank. If you'd like to get more info, his website is

San Fernando Valley Martial Arts Program

Friday, August 28, 2015

5 Reasons A Walking Stick is Self Defense KING!

Its 11:15pm in the heart of Los Angeles. My 13 year old Blue Heeler "Ender" gives me a sharp bark, His way of indicating that its time for a bathroom walk. Being as old as he is... I can't leave anything to chance lest I'm on carpet clean up duty in the morning. I put on my shoes and choose a weapon... As a 30 year practitioner of the Martial Arts and the son of a Green Beret, my weapon of choice?

Walking Stick.

Now before you get all Troll Face hear me out. I own a slew of knives and other weapons... Often I carry knives as side arms... but my go to more times than not? Is a walking stick... And here is why.

1. They're Non Threatening.

Escrima Burbank California

You ever get the evil eye for carrying your weapon? Most times people like us will welcome the awkward gaze of our sheathed fixed blade, or the subtle but noticeable shift in body language that comes with the recognition of a concealed carry. But we also know that sometimes... That's just a hassle. Nobody blinks twice at a walking stick... No debates over "Do you REALLY need that" or "What are you so 'afraid' of?" to have to deal with. They're great when you know you're going to be hanging out with the type of crowd that for some reason equates a person with a healthy respect for the individual responsibility to protect themselves with the size of their manhood.

You know the type... They're usually Fashionistas wearing Skinny Jeans and are Growing a mustache ironically... Which leads me to my next point....

2. They're Fashionable.

Weapons Training By MMA Fighter Mike O'Laskey

I have a walking stick for every occasion... from Wool sweater and Scally hat (Irish Blackthorn) to White Linen Suit and Tie (Aluminum Headed City Stick). And you know what? I look damn sexy. I was at the Capital Theater in SLC Utah for the showing of "Wicked" with a STUNNING girl on my arm... But my trusty cane was center stage. Never have I gotten more compliments on something that can be so violent. But maybe... that's its allure.

3. You can take them literally ANYWHERE.

Good luck taking your concealed carry to pick up your passport at the Federal Building. Ever forget your Folder in a pocket of your carry on at the Airport? How'd that go? My Dragon Headed Walking Stick however seems a fine accompaniment to my carry on luggage, Check out the video below and tell me how this guy isn't a Good friend in a Bad Situation... You can go ahead a Hashtag the word "Jealous" in the comments below.

4. You want fast deployment? I got the Doc Holiday of Self Defense tools.

Nothing beats a weapon already in your hand. Knife Manufacturers spend years designing Folding Blades that are fast to open from the pocket. And Quick Drawing a holstered weapon is an art form in and of itself worth studying... But the time it takes for you to pullout your weapon is likely the same time mine has already sprung into action.

You know what makes a weapon hard to use? A Shillelagh to the face.

Kali Escrima Training in San Fernando Valley California

5. They're Unassuming.

Usually, someone walking with the assistance of a cane indicates some kind of injury or disability. I like to think that would be muggers avoid targets of this nature... And if thats the case? Problem solved without a conflict. If that's NOT the case... well then you're damn sure they ain't expecting much of a fight. A good cup check with the Ten Shin Walking Stick serves them right.

I wonder how "Gimme your Wallet." sounds in falsetto.

LA MMA Champ teach Stick Defense

In Conclusion...

Its worthy to note I'm not saying a walking stick is the End All, Be All weapon. Nor am I trying to make a case that a Cane can beat a Gun or Knife or any other weapon in combat. Regardless I'm sure the comments section will be riddled with "I'd Just Shoot em" Trolls and that's fine. All I'm saying is that when you factor in Convenience, Accessibility, Legality, Practicality, Price and everything else... You gotta show some walking stick love.

And before you flame me... Remember... I'm the Steelfist Ammy Welter Weight Champion whose every day carry is a 7.5 inch San Mai Magnum Tanto. We're on the same side here!

You can Follow me on Instagram >>HERE<< and Facebook >>HERE<< for more Fun!

Filipino Weapons training at Olaskey Martial Arts in Burbank

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of O'Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Data Shows How Your Juice Cleanse is Killing You.

As a Fighter We need to have complete control over our weight. We learn lots tricks of the trade from lots of different people. Beyond just losing it, we need to make sure we are healthy and energized for training while we do. This is why our weight loss comes in stages. What I call "The Long Cut" that involves dialing in our nutrition, "The Short Cut" that regulates our carb and sugar intake and a "Hard Cut" which involves water.... just... lots to do with water.

One debunked fighter trick that has some how made it popular in to the world of the "Average Joe's" is Juice Cleanses or, Just the prevailing notion that Juice is somehow good for weight loss. Now I'm going to say this once... and put it in nice bold lettering so you retain it.

Juice is NO better for you
Than Soda is!

I Know, Tough to believe right? But in an article published in Nutrition Journal found here you can read about the sugar levels contained in popular juices... compared to soda. This is important... for as Nutrition Columnist for DMS Clay McKnight writes:

"Sugar that is not used quickly as
Energy is Stored as Fat
Through a Process called

Check out this Graph showing how Cranberry Juice has a Higher Sugar content that Kool-aid and 7-up!

Or this one Showing Apple Juice Topping the Charts Beating BOTH Coke and Pepsi:

Imagine giving your Kids Dr. Pepper with their Toast in the Morning? Mmmmm 23 flavors of Childhood Obesity.

Now you maybe saying to your screen right now "But Mike... Juice has vitamins and stuff". To which I reply... "So what?" If your goals are vitamin intake, Maybe juice is a better choice over sodas... But even still, the Science on that suggests that their are more vitamins in consuming whole veggies than in drinking juice anyway.

Don't assume Weight Loss
and Eating "All Natural"
Are The Same Thing 

Sugar is All Natural... So is Arsenic... Both won't help you to your Ideal Body Weight. Stop trying to Hack your body... Why drink pounds and pounds worth of fruit in juice form? We all know intuitively that this is not how bodies are supposed to work! Doing so hits your liver with more sugar than it can process and can lead to Obesity, High Cholesterol, Diabetes and in some cases... Liver Damage.

In conclusion. Stop with the Juice Cleanses... In fact, stop with the juices in general. You're losing all the fiber in your fruit through the process anyway which is why you're feeling so dang hungry all the time. The money you spend on the Jamba Junk or the Home Juicer you sprung for could be better served in a membership to Where subscription comes as Low as $1.99.

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of Olaskey Martial Arts in Burbank.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

MMA Fighter Reveals Key to Weight Loss. DON'T EXERCISE!

Fighters have this Weight Loss game down. In a given year I can weigh anywhere from 185lbs to 145lbs. Fighters have to really be in tune with their bodies and know what works and what doesn't, Because if they step on the scale and it doesn't say what they want it to say... They're not fighting... and their not making money.

It's easy to say that fighters are fit because of all the exercise they do. And though the exercise does aid in burning unwanted calories, It turns out that it's not about what the fighters put out... its what the fighters put in that makes all the difference at weighins.

In the video below Aaron Caroll MD, MS and Dean of Research at Indiana University School of medicine explains:

"30 minutes of Jogging or swimming laps may burn up 350 Calories... An Amount of Calories we can avoid by cutting out two 16oz servings of Soda"

People's trust in exercise for weight loss is misplaced. Studies have shown that over a 6 month period, that an exercise program with no change in diet... shows no weight loss... None, Nada, Zilch. While the reciprocal shows an average weight loss of about 3-4lbs a week!

Exercise isn't ALL bad... It has many health benefits and if you're looking for a fit tight body, then it is essential in achieving that. But if your goal is specifically weight loss, then you'll do much better with a diet from a website like than you will with the latest installment of P90 Insane Brazilian Butt Whatever the fad is now.

It's Important to note that exercise on top of all this can only help in achieving your weight loss goals... But as my Conditioning Coach Nikki Carlin says... "You can't out work a Bad Diet".

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of Olaskey Martial Arts in Burbank.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca
