Monday, August 31, 2015

Utah MMA Champ Starts Anti-Bullying Program in Burbank CA

Mike O'Laskey Actor Fighter MMA Champion

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is SteelFist MMA's Welterweight Champion and he is starting a Program in his hometown of Burbank California that aims to use the sport as a tool to end intolerance and bullying in the San Fernando Valley.

"The Sport of MMA was one of the best things to happen to the Martial Arts..." The Champion Explains "... It ended the Palor tricks and gimmicks that a lot of people fell into. The problem I think is now we've over corrected, and forgotten the 'art' side of Mixed Martial Arts. I'm not concerned with creating fighters as much as I am concerned with reintroducing people to how the Martial Arts can change their lives for the better. For me? That led to cage fighting, for most others, that's not the case."

Olaskey Martial Arts Muay Thai Kickboxing MMA

Mike recounts a time where pupils were not only trained in combat, but were given the tools in controling that power. "The Samurai for instance were not only trained in war time sword play... But were expected to live by a certain rule set known as the 'Bushido Code'. This code was effective in reigning in the power of the samurai warrior, Making sure that he was only using his might for right."

Okay, But how does teaching teenagers how to fight aid in ending bullying? The Champ Explains "The act of bullying is not likely one that can be 'ended' in the way most people want it to. Bullying is unforunatly a social construct that we evolved in order to keep people in line. We see the the behavior in all animals that live in groups. But like with most of the unsavory aspects of our subconcious the aim is to redirect the behavior into a positive outlet."

Olaskeyma Teens learn self respect from MMA Champion

O'Laskey explains that this outlet can be anything social from Bowling Leagues to Book Clubs. The main theme seems to be finding the right outlet and the right mentor. "When kids feel included and accepted in a group dynamic, they are going to be less worried about what is happening in school... Whether they're inclined to be the bully or the bullied. This is where I think Martial Arts schools are the best equiped to deal with the matter. The gym provides a refuge of like minded people who are interested in the same thing your child is... while at the same time providing a physical outlet for frusterations gathered from elsewhere."

...Bullying is at its most harmful when a child feels like there is no escape, The goal of my MMA program is to provide them with a place where they can train and feel accepted while learning how to set reasonable goals and achieve them in a healthy, repectful way."

Students in Burbank California Learn Martial Arts

The current culture of Martial Arts seems to be one of an "In your Face" attitude. Perhaps Mike O'Laskey is part of a dying breed of old school Martial Artists, We certainly hope not.

Mike O'Laskey's Gym is Located at 1312 W. Magnolia Blvd in Burbank. If you'd like to get more info, his website is

San Fernando Valley Martial Arts Program

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