Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Data Shows How Your Juice Cleanse is Killing You.

As a Fighter We need to have complete control over our weight. We learn lots tricks of the trade from lots of different people. Beyond just losing it, we need to make sure we are healthy and energized for training while we do. This is why our weight loss comes in stages. What I call "The Long Cut" that involves dialing in our nutrition, "The Short Cut" that regulates our carb and sugar intake and a "Hard Cut" which involves water.... just... lots to do with water.

One debunked fighter trick that has some how made it popular in to the world of the "Average Joe's" is Juice Cleanses or, Just the prevailing notion that Juice is somehow good for weight loss. Now I'm going to say this once... and put it in nice bold lettering so you retain it.

Juice is NO better for you
Than Soda is!

I Know, Tough to believe right? But in an article published in Nutrition Journal found here you can read about the sugar levels contained in popular juices... compared to soda. This is important... for as Nutrition Columnist for DMS Clay McKnight writes:

"Sugar that is not used quickly as
Energy is Stored as Fat
Through a Process called

Check out this Graph showing how Cranberry Juice has a Higher Sugar content that Kool-aid and 7-up!

Or this one Showing Apple Juice Topping the Charts Beating BOTH Coke and Pepsi:

Imagine giving your Kids Dr. Pepper with their Toast in the Morning? Mmmmm 23 flavors of Childhood Obesity.

Now you maybe saying to your screen right now "But Mike... Juice has vitamins and stuff". To which I reply... "So what?" If your goals are vitamin intake, Maybe juice is a better choice over sodas... But even still, the Science on that suggests that their are more vitamins in consuming whole veggies than in drinking juice anyway.

Don't assume Weight Loss
and Eating "All Natural"
Are The Same Thing 

Sugar is All Natural... So is Arsenic... Both won't help you to your Ideal Body Weight. Stop trying to Hack your body... Why drink pounds and pounds worth of fruit in juice form? We all know intuitively that this is not how bodies are supposed to work! Doing so hits your liver with more sugar than it can process and can lead to Obesity, High Cholesterol, Diabetes and in some cases... Liver Damage.

In conclusion. Stop with the Juice Cleanses... In fact, stop with the juices in general. You're losing all the fiber in your fruit through the process anyway which is why you're feeling so dang hungry all the time. The money you spend on the Jamba Junk or the Home Juicer you sprung for could be better served in a membership to Where subscription comes as Low as $1.99.

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of Olaskey Martial Arts in Burbank.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


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