Wednesday, September 9, 2015

OPINION: How MMA Gyms ruined MMA...

76 year old man learns MMA Never too late

Imagine you walk into the office of a College Councilor at any University. You sit across from a man who has dedicated a portion of his life to helping people reach their goals and realize their full potential. "I want to be an astronaut" you say, "Ever since I was a child, I've been telling my friends and family how I possess what it takes to go into space... and now, I want to make that dream a reality."

The Councilor then begins laying out a plan for your 3 year doctoral degree in Engineering, Mathematics or Physical Science when you stop him "Wait, wait, wait... 3 years? I was thinking more like three months. And what's with all this Math? I didn't even finish High School."

Imagine the look on that Councilor's face. You are sitting in his office asking to be put on stage with the paragon of humanity and not only have you done NONE of the work... You don't even plan to! In fact, you inform the Councilor that if he DOESN'T get you into space... you will find another University that WILL!

Sound ridiculous? Of course it does... Yet, that is happening every day in MMA gyms across the world.

No longer are we considered "Schools", 
We have reduced ourselves to "Providing a Service."
The Experience of Cage Fighting.

We could blame the popularity of MMA, the culture of todays student or anything else... but what it really comes down to... Is us.

Burbank MMA champ teaches Muay Thai

In the above analog to my point, Universities place such a high value on the knowledge they are imparting that the Space head Wannabe doesn't have any options... If he wants to go to space... He is going to have to do work. We as Gym owners need to operate the same way. 

MMA Cage fighting should be an honor that can only be claimed through hard work and discipline to the art... Not just something anyone with a free Saturday night and a signature can walk into because they thought it'd be cool. As Martial Artists its our Job to stand up... and hold our sport to a higher standard.

Teen MMA program in San Fernando Valley

Because often times all the venues care about is whose gonna sell tickets.

In our defense though, It's scary! Its rough out there with how saturated the market is. When someone walks in only wanting 3 months of training so they can fight... it's hard to turn that money away knowing that your competition is just going to snatch them up. In ANY industry, there are bottom feeders... and lets not worry about them. The true, loyal and long term students know intuitively that by telling them they can't fight... that you are looking to keep them safe. And making them wait a year, or two or three will only make them more excited... and the experience of achieving it will make it much more special to them.

Kickboxing in Burbank Amazing experience and fitness

Because then its no longer about proving something... it will be about GAINING something. And win or lose, that is an experience they can take with them forever.

So in conclusion... STOP rushing people into the cage! You'll be better for it... They'll be better for it... And so will the sport of MMA.

Muay Thai MMA in Burbank at Olaskey Martial Arts
Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of O'Laskey Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


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