Monday, October 5, 2015

MMA pre UFC Vol.2, Russian Sambo

At our Burbank Martial Arts Academy (Link >>HERE<<) We focus on educating our students about the history of the Martial Arts... As well as the Martial Arts themselves. As we move into a Generation of people whose only experience in Martial Arts is the ever popular UFC fight league, It becomes more and more important for people to understand where we come from, so we can accurately direct where we are going.

Today... we focus on Russian Sambo, Officially recognized as a Combat Sport in 1938. Far earlier than UFC's 1994 debut.

The word "SAMBO" is an acronym for SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya, which literally translates as "self-defense without weapons". Though Sambo as a sport has only been around since 1938, it is said that its inception as a fighting style comes years earlier in the 1920s.

Used as an Empty Hands defense system by the Red Soviet Army in the former USSR, It was 
Anatoly Kharlampiyev whom solidified it as a sport before the Russian All-Union Sport Committee.

Sambo was a Unique as a Sport Martial Art for its time, As Combat Sambo tournaments in particular  took a very western wrestling approach to Sport Fighting. Not only employing grappling techniques like Leg Locks and Arm Bars but striking as well... Both Standing up and on the Ground.

Early in the sport, Sambo also allowed Groin Strikes... Good times.

Sambo was a bit of a pioneer when it came to women in sport fighting. While women in Freestyle Wrestling were unable to compete in the Olympics until 2004, Russian Sambo Tournaments introduced a women's category in 1987. The UFC wouldn't hold a woman in the Octagon until 2013.

Distinctive to the art is Sambo's uniform and ranking system, Resembling Judo in appearance, Sambo's Gi like tops are not indicative of Rank but are a contrast in color for the sole purpose of distinguishing competitors. Vale Tudo style shorts combined with Gi Style tops and shoes reminiscent of Western Wrestling... its Uniform a true testament to its Mixed Martial Arts history. Its ranking system is only achieved through winning competition, Meaning if you have received the Black Belt Equivalent of "Master of Sport"... there was no discrepancy as to whether your metal was tested.

Sambo competitons have experiecned a resurgence of late due in part to popular MMA champions whom are also Sambo Masters of Sport. Of which include former UFC heavyweight champion Andrei Arlovski whom just defeated heavy weight contender Frank Mir, And the Recently returned "Last Emperor" Fedor Emelianenko.

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


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