Friday, October 9, 2015

When has Quitting Ever been the Answer? Injury and Health Issues are NO excuse to quit exercise.

The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts is Running a Special for New Students! 
$69.95 for 6 weeks and a FREE Uniform!

Martial Arts Kids Burbank

The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts primary goal is to help kids mentally a physically progress through a healthy life. One of the main things we deal with when it comes to people leaving our stead, is injury or health issues (Mostly due to activities outside of Martial Arts) as an excuse. What most people don't understand that there have been tons of science indicating how important exercise is for people suffering from health issues.

And we're not talking correlative studies you see on day time programs like Dr. Oz... We're talking Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). RCTs are a type of scientific experiment, where the people being studied are randomly allocated to the different treatments under study. The RCT is often considered the gold standard for a scientific fact in clinical trails.

"Exercise is the most Powerful Thing 
You can do to Improve 
Your Health and Heal your injuries... 
It even Relieves The Mood Swings 
And Depression commonly 
Encountered in the Teenage Years."

In the following slides, Lifted form Healthcare Triage, you can see how much science is behind how important it is for your child to engage in exercise no matter what the reason. Basically, Unless your Doctor has specifically told you that your child cannot exercise, stopping their program for any health issue is only hurting your child... not helping them:

The key here is to make your instructor aware of the injury, or problem so that we can correct course and augment the movements for your child. There is a reason we keep class sizes so low. And this is it! We want to make sure every child is getting the most out of the process. Remember, we consult with your doctors at no charge, and each of us is a Certified Personal Trainer as well as Supplement Specialists & Nutritionists along with our Black Belts. Take full advantage of that!

Remember, We're not just a Martial Arts School, We're a Mentoring Program. Maintaining Health and overcoming obstacles is what we mean to instill in your child. Let us help to make them unstoppable!

Mike O'Laskey is a Welterweight Champion MMA fighter and Owner of The O'Laskey Academy of Martial Arts in Burbank, CA.
1312 W. Magnolia Blvd 
Burbank Ca


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