Saturday, May 16, 2015

Big Bang's MMA Conditioning Program day 3

15 minute casual Warm Up


Dumbbell Bench Press find 1RM 90lbs
Dumbbell Bench Press 50% of 1RM for 2 sets 20 reps 45lbs

Barbell incline Bench Press 3 sets 10 reps 95lbs/115lbs/135lbs

Bradford Press 2 sets 10 reps 55lbs/65lbs (Weight includes bar)

Cable internal rotation 2 set 15 reps 10lbs/15lbs

cable external rotation 2 sets 15 reps 15/20

Lying Bar Extension 2 sets 10 reps 50lbs/50lbs

Dips 2 sets 10 reps


With a 45lbs bar finish as many rotations in the minutes as possible with a 1 minutes rest for 3 rounds. Your score is how many reps you accomplished total... So keep count!

5 over head squats
10 hang snatches
15 Box Jumps (no bar)
20 sit up (no bar)

Score 131

"Big Bang" Mike O'Laskey is an MMA Fighter and Coach With a Martial Arts School in Burbank California

1312 W. Magnolia Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506

Tel: 818-480-7810

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